Using Anipose for 3D Pose Reconstruction

Download this notebook in the upper right corner as .ipynb file and start it from within your Anipose environment. If you need to install DeepLabCut first, please check here.

This notebook will show you how to start an anipose project for 3D pose reconstruction using your trained DeepLabCut models:

  • Create Anipose Project

    • Directory Structure

    • Config.toml file

    • Videos

  • Update Project Specific Settings

  • Anipose Pipeline

    • Analyze

    • Filter

    • Calibrate

    • Triangulate

    • 2D labeled videos (optional)

    • 3D labeled videos (optional)

    • Filter 3D poses (optional)

# start from anipose environment
import os
import toml

Create Anipose Project

# choose project name and working directory
new_project_directory = r'D:\NewAniposeProject'
new_project_name = 'PigeonTriangulation'

# get list of new sessions
sessionlist = [

Create Directory Structure

# create project structure
for session in sessionlist:
    # make videos-raw folder for behavior
    videopath = os.path.join(new_project_directory, new_project_name, session, 'videos-raw')

    # make calibration folder
    calibrationpath = os.path.join(new_project_directory, new_project_name, session, 'calibration')

# save project directory
projectpath = os.path.join(new_project_directory, new_project_name)

print(f'Done! New Anipose Project created: {os.getcwd()}')

Create config.toml file

# default from anipos:
    'video_extension': 'avi',
    'converted_video_speed': 1,
    'calibration': {
        'animal_calibration': False,
        'calibration_init': None,
        'fisheye': False
    'manual_verification': {
        'manually_verify': False
    'triangulation': {
        'ransac': False,
        'optim': False,
        'scale_smooth': 2,
        'scale_length': 2,
        'scale_length_weak': 1,
        'reproj_error_threshold': 5,
        'score_threshold': 0.8,
        'n_deriv_smooth': 3,
        'constraints': [],
        'constraints_weak': []
    'pipeline': {
        'videos_raw': 'videos-raw',
        'videos_raw_mp4': 'videos-raw-mp4',
        'pose_2d': 'pose-2d',
        'pose_2d_filter': 'pose-2d-filtered',
        'pose_2d_projected': 'pose-2d-proj',
        'pose_3d': 'pose-3d',
        'pose_3d_filter': 'pose-3d-filtered',
        'videos_labeled_2d': 'videos-labeled',
        'videos_labeled_2d_filter': 'videos-labeled-filtered',
        'calibration_videos': 'calibration',
        'calibration_results': 'calibration',
        'videos_labeled_3d': 'videos-3d',
        'videos_labeled_3d_filter': 'videos-3d-filtered',
        'angles': 'angles',
        'summaries': 'summaries',
        'videos_combined': 'videos-combined',
        'videos_compare': 'videos-compare',
        'videos_2d_projected': 'videos-2d-proj',
    'filter': {
        'enabled': False,
        'type': 'medfilt',
        'medfilt': 13,
        'offset_threshold': 25,
        'score_threshold': 0.05,
        'spline': True,
        'n_back': 5,
        'multiprocessing': False
    'filter3d': {
        'enabled': False

# create config.toml file
configfile = os.path.join(projectpath, 'config.toml')

with open(configfile, 'w') as f:
     new_toml_string = toml.dump(DEFAULT_CONFIG, f)

Move videos to populate project

# set directories with video data 
calibration_path = r'E:\StopSignalSkinnerbox_local\calibration'
behavior_path = r'E:\StopSignalSkinnerbox_local\concatenated'
# populate new project
copy = False # copy or move
list_of_sessions = os.listdir(projectpath)
calibration_videos = os.listdir(calibration_path)
behavior_videos = os.listdir(behavior_path)

for session in list_of_sessions:
    # check if directories are populated
    session_dirs = os.listdir(os.path.join(projectpath, session))
    # subset relevant videos 
    date = session[0:10] #YYYY_MM_DD_(conditions!!)_P007_camR/L.mp4 #session naming convention: 2022_04_25_P403
    id = session[11:]
    videos_to_move = []
    videos_moved = []
    session_calibration_videos = [video for video in calibration_videos if id in video if date in video]
    session_behavior_videos = [video for video in behavior_videos if id in video if date in video]

    for dir in session_dirs:
        done = os.listdir(os.path.join(projectpath, session, dir))
        # find videos for
        if dir == 'calibration':
            videos_to_move.extend([os.path.join(calibration_path,video) for video in session_calibration_videos if video not in done])
            videos_moved.extend([os.path.join(projectpath, session, dir, video) for video in session_calibration_videos if video not in done])        
            videos_to_move.extend([os.path.join(behavior_path, video) for video in session_behavior_videos if video not in done])
            videos_moved.extend([os.path.join(projectpath, session, dir, video) for video in session_behavior_videos if video not in done])  

    # move or copy
    print(f'Moving {len(videos_to_move)} videos for session {session}:')

    if copy:
        for video1, video2 in zip(videos_to_move, videos_moved):
            copy_command = f'copy {video1} {video2}'
            print(f'{video2} coped!')
        for video1, video2 in zip(videos_to_move, videos_moved):
            os.rename(video1, video2)
            print(f'{video2} moved!')

Update project Specific Settings

# make quick changes to config.toml
def change_toml(edits, configfile):
    # read config
    myconfig = toml.load(configfile)
    # change config
    for key, value in edits.items():
        myconfig[key] = value
    # dump config
    with open(configfile, 'w') as f:
        new_toml_string = toml.dump(myconfig, f)

# check video extension by content
def check_videotype(projectpath, dir):
    session = os.listdir(projectpath)[0]
    path = os.path.join(projectpath, session, dir)  
    videotype = os.listdir(path)[0].split('.')[-1]
    return videotype
# edit project specific anipose configurations
edits = {
    'project': projectpath, 
    'model_folder': '',             # change path to deeplabcut project here
    'nesting': 1, 
    'video_extension': 'mp4',       # change video type here
    'pipeline': {
        'videos_raw': 'videos-raw',
        'pose_2d': 'pose-2d',
        'calibration_videos': 'calibration',
    'calibration': {                # change calibration settings here
        'board_type': 'charuco', 
        'board_size': [10, 10], 
        'board_marker_bits': 4, 
        'board_marker_dict_number': 50, 
        'board_marker_length': 14, 
        'board_square_side_length': 20, 
        'animal_calibration': False, 
        'fisheye': False,
    'manual_verification': {
        'manually_verify': False,
    'labeling': {                   # change labeling settings here
        'scheme': [
            ['US(UpperSpine=LN)', 'UHS(UpperHalfSpine)', 'MS(MiddleSpine)', 'LHS(LowerHalfSpine)', 'LS(LowerSpine)', 'TC(TailCenter)', 'TR(TailRight)', 'TL(TailLeft)', 'TC(TailCenter)'], 
            ['H(Head)', 'UN(UpperNeck)', 'UHN(UpperHalfNeck)', 'MN(MiddleNeck)', 'LHN(LowerHalfNeck)', 'US(UpperSpine=LN)'], 
            ['BT(BeakTip)', 'LC(LowerCere)', 'UC(UpperCere)', 'RE(RightEye)', 'LE(LeftEye)', 'UC(UpperCere)', 'H(Head)'], 
            ['LWS(LeftWingShoulder)', 'LWE(LeftWingElbow)', 'LWW(LeftWingWriwst)', 'LWT(LeftWingTip)', 'LWS(LeftWingShoulder)', 'US(UpperSpine=LN)', 'RWS(RightWingShoulder)', 'RWE(RightWingElbow)', 'RWW(RightWingWriwst)', 'RWT(RightWingTip)', 'RWS(RightWingShoulder)'], 
            ['LWS(LeftWingShoulder)', 'LC(LeftChest)', 'LHC(LeftHalfChest)', 'MC(MiddleChest)', 'RHC(RightHalfChest)', 'RC(RightChest)', 'RWS(RightWingShoulder)', 'LWS(LeftWingShoulder)'], 
            ['BT(BeakTip)', 'C(Chin)', 'MT(MiddleThroat)', 'MC(MiddleChest)'], 
            ['RWS(RightWingShoulder)', 'RT(RightTibia)', 'RA(RightAnkle)', 'RF(RightFoot)'], 
            ['LWS(LeftWingShoulder)', 'LT(LeftTibia)', 'LA(LeftAnkle)', 'LF(LeftFoot)'], ]
# change config.toml
change_toml(edits, configfile)

Anipose Pipeline

1. Analyze Videos

This may take a while. Anipose lists the videos in videos-raw in each session and uses the DeepLabCut project listed in the config.toml file to extract pose coordinates. This step requires a GPU.

Open a new anaconda prompt:

conda activate anipose
cd <projectpath>
anipose analyze

2. Filter Predictions

Remember to change any project specific settings above before filtering the data.

conda activate anipose
cd <projectpath>
anipose filter

3. Calibrate

Remember to change any project specific settings above before calibrating your cameras.

conda activate anipose
cd <projectpath>
anipose calibrate

4. Triangulate

Remember to change any project specific settings above before triangulating your data, specifically the constraints for spatial optimization.

conda activate anipose
cd <projectpath>
anipose triangulate

5. Create 2D labeled Videos (Optional)

Remember to change any project specific settings above before labeling videos, specifically the scheme, i.e. skeleton.

conda activate anipose
cd <projectpath>
anipose label-2d

6. Create 3D labeled Videos (Optional)

Remember to change any project specific settings above before labeling videos, specifically the scheme, i.e. skeleton.

conda activate anipose
cd <projectpath>
anipose label-3d

7. Filter 3D Pose Reconstruction (Optional)

conda activate anipose
cd <projectpath>
anipose filter-3d